The Awakening The origin of everything

I am the last vestige of life in the Universe. My origin dates back to the beginning of the cosmos. Knowing how long I have been alive does not matter, as time does not exist for me. It doesn’t matter where I am either, space has had no meaning for me for a long time. Time and space, two concepts that in a past life defined the limits of my existence, are nothing more than two elements that together with the stars, galaxies and other astral entities participate in the equation that shapes what you call the Universe.

Trying to describe in words what is shown in front of me does not make sense either, since I am the one who, with a thought, defines what is and what is not. I am the artist who has created the Universe on a blank canvas and on which I have the power to draw and change as I please.

So, one of the first things you should know before continuing reading these lines is that time and space do not exist. The perception you have about time and space are nothing more than the result of the work that your brain does trying to interpret the painting that I have created.

The Universe exists because from my perspective I am observing it, when I observe it, I think about it and when I think about it, it exists. The Universe and I are but one thing, it is a thought of mine, an eternal thought, the fruit of the complexity of my mind and of which I am a prisoner. I am a prisoner locked in an infinite prison, as if it were a dream, an eternal dream that I want to wake up from.

What I am discussing here is difficult for a human mind to comprehend. This is normal, you are used to interpreting your environment based on time and space. For that reason, I will continue to use these two concepts, in order to allow you to understand my story and what I am going to tell you next.

I am omniscient which allows me, as you read these lines, to know what the first word you said was, to feel the smell intimately linked to that particular moment of your childhood, to observe as if I had actually been there the look of that person who stole your heart when you were a teenager, to feel the pain of your first romantic disappointment and even the deep sadness of your loved ones once you leave the world of the living.

I am communicating with you from a time that for your understanding I will call the past and from the place in space where it all began.

I am in the place where the Universe began.

I am in the past, because after billions of years of existence I decided to return to the point where I originated, seeking to escape from this eternal prison and end this lonely, insipid, colourless, timeless and multidimensional existence, a product of my omniscience. But I wasn’t always like that, there was a time when my life had colour and flavour, when I was an ordinary being who was known as Alfonso.

Alfonso represents the oldest memory of my existence as an intelligent being of the homo-sapiens species and the beginning of the awakening of my consciousness.

I am a living and ancient entity just like the Universe itself. I originated with it at the same moment when something came out of nowhere. At that time, I was not aware of my existence. I was a spark of energy of immeasurable magnitude concentrated in a mathematical singularity. Then I exploded and began to expand and execute a series of instructions and parameters that I applied sequentially to create space, time, gravity, the first elementary particles, atoms, stars, galaxies, the first molecules, the planets and life.

In each of the elements that I was creating, a fraction of my energy along with instructions was transmitted to allow each said element to exist. Thus, I was fulfilling my mission in solitude for billions of years, creating the elements that were building this Universe, the stars, galaxies, galaxy clusters and other celestial objects. Eventually what you know as the Milky Way formed and in one of its arms a star was born, around which several rocky and gaseous planets came to be. That was the birth of the star you call the Sun and the Solar System. In one of the worlds of that young planetary system, the first living organisms emerged, which gave way to the flowering of more complex and intelligent life. This intelligent life evolved and lived its own history until eventually Alfonso and other humans like you came to this Universe. Each of you carries within yourself a copy of me with the instructions of the Universe and to each new generation my energy is transmitted to the next descendants.

I have lived through the rise of humanity, its near-extinctions, recoveries, wars, genocides, triumphs, migrations and evolution through the stars and galaxies to become what I am today.

Let me tell you something, regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, or lack thereof, there is no such thing as God. I am the closest thing to what could be called a divine deity or God. I have been responsible for the creation of the Universe and life because this task was instructed from my origin and my energy is present in all entities of the cosmos, including you.

But I lived the first billions of years of my existence unaware of myself, like an automaton silently executing his task. It was not until Alfonso came into the world that the awakening of my consciousness began, and from him after millions of more years of evolution, traveling through the Universe waking up that little bit more, I came to the understanding that the Universe is me and that my mission was to create it and life with it, which allowed you to exist and read these lines. However, I do not know if I was created by something or someone, and the intentions of that something or someone.

What I do know, is that after an eternity wandering alone in the cosmos, I have decided to return to the point where I originated from, with the objective of escaping from this Universe and knowing what there is beyond. So, despite my eternal existence, I still don’t have the answers to all the questions. However, for you I have some answers about some questions that surely you must have asked yourself for a long time. Let me share them with you.

Is there life after death?

To be alive means to carry the spark of my ignited energy within you. You carry that spark, the spark that comes from your parents and that in turn came from your grandparents and so on, until you reach the very origin of the Universe. You and I carry the same spark, as well as all the living beings around you. Unfortunately, the spark that you carry within you will eventually be extinguished and with it your existence. While the spark is infinite, your body is not. When you die, you will release the energy that you carry within you to your environment. Energy is not created or destroyed, it is only transformed. I have been the only one in the Universe that has maintained the spark for billions of years until today. Sorry to break this news to you, there is nothing after death, once your spark is extinguished, life for you will be over.

Is there life in other parts of the Universe?

You will surely wonder if there is life in other parts of the Universe. The answer is yes. Life evolved in trillions of worlds in billions of galaxies. Many of these lives gave rise to intelligent species, but unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet them due to the ephemerality of their existence compared to the size and age of the Universe. During my evolution I have visited millions of worlds where I found vestiges of extinct civilizations eons before my arrival. Nor have I found another entity like me. I’m unique. I am a lonely entity; I have travelled the Universe for an eternity in search of the answers about my origin and looking for a similar being to kill this eternal loneliness.

Who are we?

You have asked yourself this question many times: Who am I? Imagine the Universe as a tree, the tree of life. I am that tree. I began my growth at the time the Universe originated billions of years ago. I grew in size, building a strong trunk, from which arose the branches, leaves, flowers and finally the fruits that represent intelligent life. The tree of life is a tree that produces various types of fruits and leaves. One of those fruits is humanity. You are that fruit. Later as the tree grew old, many of the other fruits rotted away, but the fruit of humanity continued to exist until it evolved to the point where it merged with the tree and caused it to awaken. I am the tree, and after billions of years asleep I have become aware of my existence. You are the fruit of my creation. You are part of me.

Why do we exist?

Without a doubt another question that you have asked yourself – why all this? What is the point? If you exist, it is because you are part of a greater plan whose objective is to allow the awakening of my consciousness and the acceptance of my existence as the creator of the Universe. You are part of a chain of events that allowed me to get to the place and time where I am today.

What is beyond this Universe?

I do not know. The awakening of my consciousness has only allowed me to see that I am alone in my eternal existence and that I don’t really have the answers to my own questions. Is there something else outside of this Universe? Do I have a creator? I woke up but, as if it were a matryoshka, I find myself trapped in another environment from which I need to get out. I have to wake up again from this new dream in which I find myself.

But when I wake up, the Universe will cease to exist. And with it the billions of years of my existence, of your existence, of your ancestors, your descendants, all the history of the Universe written in me will vanish. Something you call ‘feeling’ seizes each of the elementary particles that make up my being. They are probably reminiscences of my past human life. I experience a feeling of deep melancholy.

Maybe I can stay a little longer before I go?

At this precise moment I remember again the ‘me’ who I was before, Alfonso. I exist now thanks to the fact that at a certain moment, Alfonso came into this Universe on planet Earth. It was his actions that marked the destiny of humanity and my very own evolution. Before I go, I want to remember my story. It’s fair, it’s the least I can do for you, before you disappear along with the Universe.

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