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The content of this site is 100% original. The story, the drawings, as well as all the content that you will find here have been created by me (hereinafter AUTHOR ). The website as well as any other website and / or services belonging to any subdomain of the same (hereinafter, DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE ) are the property of AUTHOR. In this sense, I would appreciate if you respect the following terms of use:
1. Service definition
This page is part of a long-term project to offer paid sci-fi content. This project consists of four stages which are described below:
- First stage: The content is distributed for free without the need for a subscription. The user therefore has free access to the chapters of the story as well as the drawings and other content published during this stage.
- Second stage: The content is distributed for free but with the obligation to subscribe to the page in order to continue reading the story and continue accessing other content only accessible by subscription. During this stage, the content published during the first stage will continue to be accessible without the need for subscription.
- Third stage: The content is distributed through an annual paid subscription that will allow you to continue reading the story and access other content only accessible under a paid subscription. During this stage, all the content published during the first stage will continue to be accessible for free without subscription and the content published during the second stage will continue to be accessible for free under subscription.
- Fourth stage: All of the above is still valid. Other services and products associated with the universe of The life of Alfonso will be added.
AUTHOR reserves the right, unilaterally, to:
- decide when a stage of this project begins and ends;
- modify the design and configuration on how the content of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE is distributed;
- modify the terms of use, privacy policy, rates and conditions of access to the content published in DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE ;
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- interrupt, suspend or permanently cancel DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE as well as any of the content and / or services that comprise it, at its sole and entire discretion.
For this, AUTHOR will clearly communicate all the information pertinent to the aforementioned points on the website.
We are currently in the first stage .
2. User definition
The access and / or use of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE grants whoever performs it the condition of user (hereinafter USER , regardless of whether it is of a registered user or not), accepting from that moment and without any reservation these terms of use, without prejudice to the particular conditions that AUTHOR could establish for registered users, or for the regulation of certain services and / or contents. In the event that USER is a minor, he must first obtain permission from his parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for all purposes of all acts carried out by minors under thier charge.
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USER undertakes to use DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE in accordance with current legislation, good faith, public order and generally accepted uses and customs. Likewise, USER undertakes not to use DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE for illicit or harmful purposes for the rights and / or interests of AUTHOR , not to cause damage or impede the normal functioning of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE .
The use made by USER of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE will be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the latter, not holding AUTHOR responsible of any damage and / or harm that, directly or indirectly, the non-observance of these terms of use by USER could cause to USER itself or to third parties.
4. AUTHOR’s responsibilities and obligations
AUTHOR provides this service as stipulated in point 1. Service definition .
AUTHOR will only be responsible for the information and content of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE that has been generated by AUTHOR and will not be responsible for the information and / or content published by USER through the tools provided in DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE such as comments, connection with social networks and others.
AUTHOR is not responsible for damages and / or losses of any nature that USER or a third party derived from:
- the lack of availability, maintenance or effective operation of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE , of its services or of its contents;
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- nor, in general, of any use of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE , its services and / or content that USER or a third party may perform, against the terms of use and privacy policy established by AUTHOR .
AUTHOR , as soon as he has news of any of the above incidents, provided that there are no causes that make it impossible and it is within his scope of action, undertakes to carry out all those actions aimed at its correction.
5. Intellectual property
AUTHOR by himself or as assignee, is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE , as well as the elements contained in it (by way of example, images, sound, audio, video, software or text; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc. .)
All rights reserved. The reproduction, distribution and public communication, included in the way they are made available, of all or part of the contents of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE, are expressly prohibited for commercial purposes, in any support and by any technical means, without the authorization of AUTHOR .
USER undertakes to respect all intellectual and industrial property rights owned by AUTHOR . Within the framework of the present terms of use, USER will be able to view the elements of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE and even print, copy and store them on a hard drive, computer or in any other type of physical support as long as it is, solely and exclusively, for personal and private use, being, therefore, the transformation, distribution, public communication, distribution or any other form of exploitation, being strictly prohibited, as well as its modification, alteration or decompilation. USER must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed in the infrastructure of DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE .
6. Modifications to the terms of use
AUTHOR may at any time and unilaterally modify the terms of use based on the legislative requirements applicable to DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE . For this, AUTHOR will promptly notify USER about said modifications. It is understood then that these terms of use are valid until the next update of the same by a new version, thus giving rise to a new period of validity, the end date of which will be determined by applying the conditions set out in this same point.
7. Acceptance of the terms of use
It is assumed that USER , by continuing to browse and use the services proposed in DOMAINS OF ALFONSO.LIFE is fully aware of the content of these terms of use and agree to them.
Posted on September 10, 2018