I came to exist thanks to the Big Bang. I constructed every single atom in this Universe. After billions of years, I appeared in the form of a homo sapiens named Alfonso, on the third planet of a star you call the Sun. This is the story of my life and of the evolution of the human species.

Vanessa arrives in Peru
Vanessa, 7 months pregnant, escapes from Venezuela to Peru. On her journey there, she suffers many hardships, travelling by bus and on foot to the Peru border. When crossing the border, she gives birth and dies due to a generalised infection. This is how Iris was born.
The Bluelife Corporation is founded
After several years of being away from his investigations, Marco, 43-years-old, founded what would later become the Bluelife Corporation.
Expansion of AI in the world
Development and expansion of Artificial Intelligence solutions in various industries (transportation, public administration, health, finance, science, etc.) In this context, Bluelife gradually raises to prominence. Automation’s impact on society is important. Protests are popping up around the world due to mass unemployment. A large proportion of workers consider it too..Lee más
Global expansion of Bluelife
Bluelife enjoys an accelerated growth worldwide. It is perceived as the underdog, competing against the tech giants Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alibaba and Xiaomi. It is already an established leader in AI and is beginning to develop other business areas.
Space X 2040: First manned trip to Mars
Mankind’s first manned mission to Mars. The objective was to verify the possibility of colonisation. It was a one-way mission. The crew did not survive a serious incident when they were about to reach the Red Planet.
Iris flees to the Andes Mountains
After an empty life serving no clear purpose and no possibility of escape, Iris decides to flee to the Andes Mountains where she will join the Runa group and meet Alfonso’s father.
Alfonso’s birth date
Alfonso was born in 2043. Iris encounters Alfonso’s father in the Peruvian mountains. Alfonso never meets his father.
1st prototype of humanoid robot with AI Bluelife
First prototype developed by Bluelife of a humanoid robot capable of speaking in several languages in a natural way and moving freely in different environments. It is an agile robot but it does not yet reach human dexterity and finesse. There is still room for improvement in order to optimise..Lee más
Discovery of ruins on Mars
Discovery of ruins of an ancient civilisation on Mars by Rover 2040 (probe sent with the Space X 2040 mission). However, due to a failure with the instruments, no reliable information about its age can be obtained.
Humanity reaches Mars, Alfonso finds love
Human beings step on Martian soil for the first time. Alfonso discovers what love is and prepares to enrol in the next exploration mission to the Red Planet.
First contact with the pyramid on Mars
The Alpha expedition makes first contact with the pyramid and gets its initial answers about this mysterious structure.
The first answers about Mars
After several months of hard work and several unsuccessful attempts, the pyramid on Mars reveals its first secrets.